Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Platoon and Full Metal Jacket

Throughout Platoon the emotions that are shown on the faces of the men and the events that they had to witness. The close-ups of their faces allowed the watchers to have a glimpse of their eyes, which as humans we tend to associate with. The eyes show the humanity and feelings of a person. The horrors that the men in the movie saw were evident in their eyes, making it easy for the watcher to feel connected to the men. The rhetoric used in this movie provided the argument that the men over in Vietnam were in fact not fighting against the North Vietnamese, but were in fact fighting themselves, which is stated at the end of the movie.
Whereas Platoon is when a man is sent into the war to fight with almost no training, Full Metal Jacket gives the watcher an idea of what went on at the training camps before the men were sent. The training officers subjected them to abuse. They had to become prepared to fight in the war in eight weeks, in contrast to the men who had been training for war for years. In this movie some of the men are driven to extremes even before going to Vietnam; they abuse a clearly challenged man with soap and he has to adapt while becoming what appears to be insane.
In both of these movies the men are driven to killing because of the abuse and actions of others towards them or someone that they are close to. They are righting a wrong in their eyes. The movies show that the men that were affected by the Vietnam War were changed forever, even if they were not even in Vietnam in the first place.

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