Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Full Metal Jacket: Private Pyles Suicide

The scene starts off with the character Joker doing a walk around on a night shift. Everybody is sleeping including the drill instructor, all lights are off, and his only way of vision is his flash light that he is carrying around. As he is walking toward the camera in the direction of the bathroom, music begins to play that one would expect to find in a scary movie. With the low humming bass and the tingling bell ringing every so often, an eerie feeling begins to creep up the viewers spinal cord. Any regular movie watcher knows that these are the perfect elements for a scene that is going to make the viewer jump out of his seat or scream. Joker shines his light on to the Bathroom door and decides to head in for a check up with the camera following right behind him. At this point, we now get a sneaking suspicion of where this event is going to take place. The camera switches angles, now from a perspective in the middle of the bathroom aimed at the corner of the wall waiting for Joker to come around. As Joker comes around the corner, his walk begins to become slower, the bottom of his mouth begins to drop, and his eyes start to become just a little bit wider. The viewer is now just waiting for the camera to switch angles towards the content of the bathroom to see just what has got the Joker looking so shocked. Sure enough, as the camera switches angles, we find the light shined right on Private Pyles who happens to have the gun he has grown to love in one hand, and live rounds in the other hand. The look on Pyles face is exactly the look the viewer wouldn't want to see on somebody's face in the dark holding a gun. At this point, the viewer is certain that a memorable scene is about to take place during the movie.

The foreshadowing leading up to this event couldn't be missed by anyone who watched this movie. Something out of the ordinary was going to happen to Private Pyles at some point or another. Between his constant mess ups, his seemingly lack of intelligence, and his growing outcast from the brotherhood of the unit, it wasn't looking good for him. Not to mention the fact that every private in the unit thought it would be a good idea to hit him with a bar soap and he began to talk to his gun with a crazy look on his face. None the less, even if the viewer did know something was coming, it would have been hard to guess it would be something so dramatic as a murder and a suicide. I will say though, if I had to guess who it was he was going to murder, I would have picked the Drill Instructor.

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