Thursday, September 17, 2009

A confused and forced attempt at a Blog:(

Complex feelings and actions become even more complex by immersion in complicated surroundings. We see an example of this in the movie Platoon in the aftermath of a severe battle scene towards the end. By this point in the movie we as viewers are already experiencing extreme tension created by intense battle sequences and bitter conflict within the divided platoon. To set the stage however, there is a serene emphasis on nature a the camera focuses on plants in congruence with the presence of a feeding deer. The emphasis on nature takes us away from the complexities of what we had just seen. As the camera focuses in on Taylor and the revival of his conscience we are introduced to the feeling of waking up from a bad dream, allowing for a sense of relief. At this point a helicopter can be heard in the distance which seems to snap things back into perspective as Taylor begins to take in the destruction of life which lies spoiled about the landscape. This particular image then coincides with struggle depicted by Sgt.. Barnes. The Struggle for life and nature then come together in Taylor's decision to kill Sgt. Barnes. Based upon the scene created, Taylor's actions seem natural.   

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