Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Can a comparison be made? In watching Full metal Jacket I found myself disgusted ironically more with the blatant disrespect for the gravity of the Vietnam war than the unrealistic but graphic killings. However, from a different point of view it seems to hold its own as a satirical work in direct relation to the more historically accurate movie Platoon. For this reason, and this reason only, these two movies can be compared on the same grounds. 

The movie Platoon seems to provide a more historically accurate portrayal of the Vietnam war. This being said, I also feel that the movie also draws a direct comparison to the movie Full metal Jacket as viewed from a satirical perspective. For example, the slow deterioration of the troops morale in Platoon is mirrored by the "killing machines" created in Full Metal Jacket. In Full Metal Jacket the troops are nothing more than machines as they are depicted as simple minded buffoons. This can be directly compared to the attitude produced by the troops in Platoon who are forced to fight for something which they do not believe in. 

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