Sunday, November 1, 2009

Bob Dylan

Music is another outlet to express our inner emotions and thoughts. After a bad break-up, who does not rely on music's cathartic and healing qualities to moving us along the lamenting process?! Bob Dylan provided many songs that moved people through the lamenting emotions attached to the Vietnam War. In an interview with "USA Today," Bob Dylan said the song "Masters of Wars," "is supposed to be a pacifistic song against war. It's not an anti-war song. It's speaking against what Eisenhower was calling a military-industrial complex as he was making his exit from the presidency. That spirit was in the air, and I picked it up."

"Blowing in the Wind" proposes many unanswered questions and what is necessary to happen for us to answer these questions? I understand the answers being in the wind to mean that they may never be answered. Dylan addresses the questions that many were asking during the time of Vietnam War and expresses the same vagueness in understanding where the answers may lay. During where there many questions and little answers, Dylan connects with his listeners.

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